Former MP
01/05/1950 (75 Years)
Constituency Name
4 Bagha (Bihar) constituency,at Serial no 188 in Part no 44
Father Name
Mohar Ram
Educational Details
Matriculation (Sahitya Bhusan From Hindi Vidyapith Deoghar in 2010)
09431212904, 09013180197, 09934552194
Spouse Name
Kanti Devi
Spouse Professtion
Agriculture and Business

Personal Life & Political Career

Purnmasi Ram (born 5 January 1950) is an Indian politician. He was elected to Bihar Legislative Assembly consecutively five times since 1990. In 2009, he was elected a member of parliament to the 15th Lok Sabha.

Early life

Ram was born on 5 January 1950 to father Mohar Ram and mother Chinegee Devi in Naraipur village, in West Champaran district in the Indian state of Bihar. Ram attended Vidyapeeth school in Deoghar, Jharkhand and completed matriculation from the school.


Ram was elected to Bihar Vidhan Sabha consecutively five times in a row, first in 1990. During his first term from 1990-1995, he served as a 'Minister of State', 'Cabinet Minister' for next terms from 1995-2005 and from 2005-2009, as a Chairman of Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. In 2009, he was elected a member of parliament and served as a member of 'Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution.

Personal life

Ram married Kanti Devi on 1 January 1968. They have 2 son and 4 daughters.

Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return*

Relation Type PAN Given Financial Year Total Income Shown in ITR
self Y 2012 - 2013 Rs 15,29,456 ~ 15 Lacs+
spouse Y 2012 - 2013 Rs 3,43,908 ~ 3 Lacs+
dependent1 N None Rs 0 ~
dependent2 N None Rs 0 ~
dependent3 N None Rs 0 ~

Details of Criminal Cases*

No criminal cases

Details of Movable Assets*

Sr No Description self spouse dependent1 dependent2 dependent3
i Cash 1,00,000  1 Lacs+
2,00,000  2 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 3,00,000
3 Lacs+
ii Deposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies SBI Bank
49,07,165  49 Lacs+

SBI Bank
5,00,000  5 Lacs+
SBI Bank
30,54,208  30 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 84,61,373
84 Lacs+
iii Bonds, Debentures and Shares in companies Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
iv (a)
NSS, Postal Savings etc
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
LIC or other insurance Policies
SBI Life Insurance
3,94,000  3 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 3,94,000
3 Lacs+
v Personal loans/advance given Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
vi Motor Vehicles (details of make, etc.) Scorpio in 2009 BR22D0006
9,33,733  9 Lacs+

Bolaro in 2002, BR22L0006
5,26,478  5 Lacs+

Esteem Car in 1992 DLC5950 in 1990
21,000  21 Thou+

20,000  20 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 15,01,211
15 Lacs+
vii Jewellery (give details weight value) Gold Ring 13 Grams
40,000  40 Thou+
150 Grams Gold
4,50,000  4 Lacs+

500 Grams Silver
30,000  30 Thou+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 5,20,000
5 Lacs+
viii Other assets, such as values of claims / interests 25,87,676  25 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 25,87,676
25 Lacs+
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 1,00,30,093  1 Crore+ 37,34,208  37 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 1,37,64,301
1 Crore+
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 1,00,30,052
1 Crore+
Rs 37,34,208
37 Lacs+
Nil Nil Nil Rs 1,37,64,260
1 Crore+

Details of Immovable Assets*

Details of Liabilities*

Note:(*) This information is based on affidavit filled by candidates in 2014 Lok Sabha Elections. Latest data will be displayed once available.

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