05/31/1958 (67 Years)
Constituency Name
396 Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh) constituency , at Serial no 218 in Part no 28
Father Name
Purusotham Das Choudhary
Educational Details
Graduate (LLB in 1975,Diploma(Social Service And Village Uplift) in 1976 From Allahabad University)
Spouse Professtion
House Wife,Business

Personal Life & Political Career

Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return*

Relation TypePAN GivenFinancial YearTotal Income Shown in ITR
selfY2012 - 2013Rs 2,78,198 ~ 2 Lacs+
spouseY2012 - 2013Rs 2,36,213 ~ 2 Lacs+
dependent1Y2012 - 2013Rs 2,08,150 ~ 2 Lacs+
dependent2NNoneRs 0 ~
dependent3NNoneRs 0 ~

Details of Charges Framed*

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Details of Cognizance Taken*

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
1188 Case No-3652/1998 Date 09/11/1998,CJM Mirzapurt,IPC Violation of 144 IPC section

Details of Convicted*

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Details of Movable Assets*

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iCash 39,245  39 Thou+

47,191  47 Thou+

29,453  29 Thou+

NilNil Rs 1,15,889
1 Lacs+
iiDeposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial CompaniesFDR,Punjab And Sindh Bank Mirzapur
84,186  84 Thou+

FDR,Punjab And Sindh Bank Mirzapur
90,196  90 Thou+

Allahabad Bank Mirzapur
8,00,000  8 Lacs+

SB A/C Indian Bank Robertganj No-6213438723
500  5 Hund+

Allahabad Bank Mirzapur A/C No-5515122
6,56,980  6 Lacs+

Allahabad Bank Mirzapur A/C No-1836
773  7 Hund+

,Punjab And Sindh Bank Mirzapur A/C No-47382
53,972  53 Thou+

,Punjab And Sindh Bank Mirzapur A/C No-3586
55,942  55 Thou+

,Punjab And Sindh Bank Mirzapur
29,171  29 Thou+

Allahabad Bank Mirzapur A/C No-50125984682
3,01,838  3 Lacs+

FDR,Punjab And Sindh Bank Mirzapur
24,123  24 Thou+

Allahabad Bank A/C No-5515092
1,841  1 Thou+

PNB Mirzapur
3,648  3 Thou+

Punjab And Sindh Bank Mirzapur
844  8 Hund+

NilNilNil Rs 21,04,014
21 Lacs+
iiiBonds, Debentures and Shares in companiesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
NSS, Postal Savings etc
NilNilNilNilNil Nil
LIC or other insurance Policies
LIC Policy
4,46,745  4 Lacs+

LIC Policy
96,902  96 Thou+

NilNilNil Rs 5,43,647
5 Lacs+
vPersonal loans/advance given Om Shakthi Feeling Station,Loan
1,54,432  1 Lacs+

Shakthipith Automobiles,Loan
2,80,386  2 Lacs+

Devi Prasad,Loan
30,000  30 Thou+

Sitara Devi,Loan
5,250  5 Thou+

Veena Choudhary,Loan
40,000  40 Thou+

Others Loan
14,40,000  14 Lacs+

Bhawati Prasad,Loan
3,00,000  3 Lacs+

Meena Choudhary,Loan
3,06,044  3 Lacs+

Others Loan
15,00,000  15 Lacs+

16,65,000  16 Lacs+

NilNil Rs 57,21,112
57 Lacs+
viMotor Vehicles (details of make, etc.)SUV Car,No-UP63Q9000,Year 2013
15,24,555  15 Lacs+

Truck No-UP42B0686,Model 1995,Purchased Year 1995
5,50,800  5 Lacs+

Truck No-UP63A8071,Model 1996,Purchased Year 1996
7,60,000  7 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 28,35,355
28 Lacs+
viiJewellery (give details weight value)7 Tola Gold
2,50,000  2 Lacs+

20 Tola Gold
6,50,000  6 Lacs+

1200 Gm Silver
65,000  65 Thou+

220 Gm Gold HUF
6,50,000  6 Lacs+

3 Kg Silver HUF
1,50,000  1 Lacs+

NilNil Rs 17,65,000
17 Lacs+
viiiOther assets, such as values of claims / interestsBonjali Axport
4,84,000  4 Lacs+

Bidhanye Service Station
7,66,792  7 Lacs+

26,300  26 Thou+

63,969  63 Thou+

NilNilNilNil Rs 13,41,061
13 Lacs+
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 1,01,19,685  1 Crore+ 43,39,233  43 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 1,44,58,918
1 Crore+
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 76,25,232
76 Lacs+
Rs 43,06,393
43 Lacs+
Rs 24,94,453
24 Lacs+
Rs 1,44,26,078
1 Crore+

Details of Immovable Assets*

Details of Liabilities*

Note:(*) This information is based on affidavit filled by candidates in 2014 Lok Sabha Elections. Latest data will be displayed once available.

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