Kolar is a Lok Sabha constituency in the state of Karnataka, India. The constituency consists of eight assembly segments, including Kolar Gold Fields, Bangarapet, Kolar, Malur, Yelahanka, Chintamani, Srinivaspur, and Mulbagal. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the Indian National Congress candidate KH Muniyappa won the seat by defeating the Bharatiya Janata Party candidate S Muniswamy.
According to a ground report by The South First, Kolar has a golden past but a distressing present. The report suggests that the constituency prefers local candidates over outsiders. In terms of party performance, a report by India Today suggests that if the trends witnessed in the 2023 Karnataka Assembly elections are replicated in the Lok Sabha polls, the BJP could lose over 20 seats in the state, including Kolar.
Overall, it seems that Kolar has been a closely contested constituency between the Indian National Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party in recent years. However, there is not enough information available to determine any long-term historical political trend in the constituency.